Hughenden Connect (Flinders Shire Council)

This is the official Facebook page for Flinders Shire Council.

Proudly representing the communities of Hughenden, Prairie, Torrens Creek and Stamford.

This page will be monitored daily and queries responded to within 24 hours.

Moderating our Facebook page
We welcome your comments and do not discriminate against any views. We encourage you to discuss and share opinions with others and the council via our Facebook page.
In order to ensure our page is friendly and welcoming for all visitors, we do moderate where needed. We ask that when contributing your views to Flinders Shire Council's Facebook page, you ensure that you:
• do not harass, abuse or threaten other visitors to the site
• do not post comments that are likely to offend others, particularly in reference to an individual’s race, age, gender, sexuality, political leaning, religion or disability
• do not use obscene or offensive language
• do not post repeat comments
• do not promote anything that may constitute spam, such as commercial interests, solicitations, advertisements or endorsements of any non-governmental agency
• do protect your personal privacy by not including email addresses, phone numbers or home addresses on the public wall

If you don’t adhere to the above, we will moderate and potentially remove your comment.

Enjoy the page and please be courteous.

Government organization